Epic is a function that receives a stream of events and returns a stream of events. Although Stapp uses its mechanism to support epics, it has much in common with redux-observable and redux-most. We sincerely recommend following these links, if you are not familiar with the epics concept.
Epics allow harnessing async logic with ease.
type Epic<State> = (
event$: Observable<Event<any, any>>,
state$: Observable<State>,
staticApi: {
dispatch: Dispatch<State>
getState(): State
) => Subscribable<any> | void
Take the following as an example: search field with autosuggest.
import { createEffect, createEvent, createReducer } from 'stapp'
import { loaderStart, loaderEnd } from 'stapp-loaders'
import { debounceTime, mapTo, map, distinctUntilChanged, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'
const saveResults = createEvent('Save search results')
// EffectCreator returns an observable of three types of events:
// `start`, `success` or `fail` and `complete`.
const searchEffect = createEffect(
// Effect description
'Load suggestions',
// Effect function, must return a value or a promise
searchValue => fetch(`api?search=${searchValue}`).then(r => r.json())
const searchModule = {
name: 'search',
state: {
search: createReducer([])
.on(saveResults, (_, results) => results)
epic: [
// Start loader on effect run
searchEffect.start.epic(start$ => start$.pipe(
// End loader on effect complete
searchEffect.complete.epic(complete$ => complete$.pipe(
// Save results on success
searchEffect.success.epic(success$ => success$.pipe(
map(({ payload }) => saveResults(payload))
// Search epic
(_, state$) => state$.pipe(
// track only one field changes
map(state => state.values.search),
// debounce and distinct value changes
// switch to effect function
switchMap(({ payload: searchValue }) => searchEffect(searchValue))
Epics allow reacting to events and state changes reactively. That's fun!
Filtering event stream by event type
type select = (eventCreatorOrType:
| AnyEventCreator
| string
| Array<AnyEventCreator | string>
) => (event: Event) => boolean
import { createEvent, select } from 'stapp'
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'
const myEventA = createEvent()
const myEventB = createEvent()
const epicA = (events$) => events$.pipe(
const epic = (events$) => events$.pipe(
filter(select([myEventA, myEventB]))
type createEpic = <Payload, Meta, State>(
events: AnyEventCreator<Payload, Meta> | string | Array<AnyEventCreator | string>,
fn: Epic<State>
) => Epic<State>
Accepts events and an Epic and returns a filtered Epic.
Accepts an Epic and returns an Epic, filtered by this EventCreator type.
const myEvent = createEvent()
const epic = myEvent.epic(myEvent$ => /* other stuff */)